Rodents are a large group of world wide spread mammals. Their representatives in Lebanon includes squirrels, porcupines (covered in this article) as well as dormice, mice, rats, voles, mole rats, hamsters, jirds and jerboas.
Below are some rodents found in Lebanon:

(Sciurus anomalus syiacus)
Status: The Persian squirrel is scarce in Lebanon and is extremely wary of any human presence.
Description: Persian squirrels are quite similar in size (head and body measuring approximately 20 cm) and appearance to the European Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris). However, they do not grow ear tufts during the winter months as the European Red Squirrel does. Persian squirrels have flattened, bushy tails and generally their fur is reddish brown on the back and buff-white on the belly, although this seems to vary by region.
Habitat: This species can be found in both mixed deciduous woodlands and pine woodland habitats.
Habits: Persian squirrels are mostly active during the day. They feed on cedar and pine seeds and the acorns of oaks trees. Occasionally, they may feed on birds and their eggs. Like other squirrels, they hoard seeds and acorns for winter, but they spend more time on the ground than other arboreal squirrels. Persian squirrels breed throughout spring and summer, with a litter size of about three. Nests are built in trees and made of moss and dry leaves.
Distribution: The Persian squirrel is widespread throughout Asia Minor, northern Arabia, Transcaucasia, western Iran and eastern Mediterranean region.

Rock Hyrax (Procavia capensis)
Despite looking like rodents, feeding, and behaving like rodents, hyraxes are not rodents. If one wants to find him cousins among mammals, he has to mention elephants and sea cows! Hyraxes are native of the African continent, and only one species can be found outside of sub-Saharan Africa, Procavia carpensis, Rock hyraxes, settled from the Middle East to Lebanon. They inhabit rocky terrain, and their feet have rubbery pads with numerous sweat glands, which help them to maintain their grip while they quickly move up steep, rocky surfaces. Hyraxes live in small family groups, with a single male that aggressively defends the territory from rivals. The remaining males live solitary lives, often on the periphery of areas controlled by larger males. They nest in holes under rocks, but do not dig dens.