Birds of Prey (also known as Raptors)
This is the bird family of fierce predators. All birds in this group share the family features of a hooked beak and sharp claws or “talons”. In fact, it is with these formidable weapons that these birds make their living – by hunting. Their food varies, depending on the size of the bird; one of the smallest members of the family the Hobby (Falco subbuteo) catches dragonflies on the wing, whereas the larger Eagles will kill and eat small deer!
The Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) shows the hooked beak, characteristic of the family that reveal this is a family of meat eaters!
Many thousands of birds of prey migrate through Lebanon each spring and autumn. As these are mostly large birds most are classified as soaring birds (see Migration). This means we tend to see them in large flocks spiraling over head. Indeed Lebanon is hugely important for the conservation of these magnificent birds as so many pass through. It is estimated that as many as 150,000 Lesser Spotted Eagles migrate through Lebanon annually, a very large proportion of the world’s population. Not only are they amazing to see but they also perform an important function in the environment – controlling pests such as rats, mice and rabbits.
Lebanon’s Birds of Prey
Everyone has heard of Eagles but this group also includes several other awesome predators. The more common members of the family that are worth keeping an eye out for include (with English, French, Arabic and scientific names) :
Scientific Name | English Name | Arabic Name | French Name |
Milvus migrans | Black Kite | الحداة السوداء | Milan noir |
With its forked tail and “hunched look” the Black Kite appears sinister – in fact it is a very useful scavenger – only migrating through Lebanon
Scientific Name | English Name | Arabic Name | French Name |
Accipiter nisus | Sparrowhawk | الباشق – باشق العصاير | Epervier d’Europe |
Accipiter brevipes | Levant Sparrowhawk | باشق ليانت | Epervier a pieds courts |
As their names suggest these small raptors hunt smaller birds. Both species migrate through Lebanon – flocks of the Levant Sparrow Hawk can number hundreds over the hills of the Shouf and Metn for example. Left: Sparrow Hawk (Accipiter nisus)
Scientific Name | English Name | Arabic Name | French Name |
Buteo buteo | Common Buzzard | الصقر الحوام – يضم حوام السهول | Buse variable |
Buteo rufinus | Long-legged Buzzard | الحوام طويل الساق | Buse feroce |
Pernis apivorus | Honey Buzzard | حوام النحل – صقر العسل | Bondree apivore |
Scientific Name | English Name | Arabic Name | French Name |
Falco naumanni | Lesser Kestrel | عويسق | Faucon crecerellette |
Falco tinnunculus | Kestrel | عوسق – صقر الجراد | Faucon creecerelle |
Falco vespertinus | Red-Footed Falcon | اللزيق | Faucon kobez |
Falco subbuteo | Hobby | شويهين – البيدق | Faucon hobereau |
Falco eleonorae | Eleonora’s Falcon | صقر اليونورا | Faucon d’Eleonore |
Falco peregrinus | Peregrine Falcon | الشاهين | Faucon pelerin |
Scientific Name | English Name | Arabic Name | French Name |
Aquila pomarina | Lesser Spotted Eagle | عقاب اسع – ارقط – صغير | Aigle pomarin |
Aquila clanga | Greater Spotted Eagle | عقاب اسع – ارقط – كبير | |
Aquila nipalensis | Steppe Eagle | عقاب السهول – البادية | Aigle des steppes |
Aquila heliaca | Imperial Eagle | ملك العقبان | Aigle imperial |
Hieraaetus pennatus | Booted Eagle | العقاب المسيرة – المنتعلة | Aigle botte |
Hierraaetus fasciatus | Bonelli’s Eagle | عقاب بونللي – مخطط | Aigle de bonelli |
Due to its position on a major migration route Lebanon is a great place to see Eagles. The most likely species to see are given above. However we should never forget that, internationally, many of these species are rare and endangered. Perhaps the equivalent of the breeding population of a whole country might fly over your house (if you are lucky) in a day!
Of course they do not only fly overhead, many will roost overnight in safe places (away from people) as this juvenile Greater Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga) was doing when it was photographed at Aammiq. Other good places to see Eagles are; Ehden, Shouf Cedar Reserve, Beirut River Valley –(see Migration)
The Best time and places to see Birds of Prey
As with other mainly migratory species the best months are mid March through to the end of May and August, (for Honey Buzzards) September and October. For a discussion of where to see birds of prey see Migration.